Movie Abyss Pledge Night

Pledge Night

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Movie Info
Synopsis: In order to become a member of a fraternity, the applicants have to go through initiation rituals to show their loyalty. Way back in the 1960s, someone played a nasty trick on the student Sidney Scheider: He had to take a bath in a tub filled with cornflakes and coffee grounds, vinegar and even more disgusting substances. Nothing unusual so far but someone had replaced the water with pure acid. Sidney was seriously wounded and died a horrible death. This year Acid Sid returns with a vengeance, killing everyone who comes his way. One by one is slaughtered and in the college hell breaks loose.

Tagline: Brothers to the end. The very end.

Franchise: -
Released: 1990-12-07
Runtime: 80 minutes
Status: Released
Rating: 8

Movie Cast:

Movie Character
Todd Eastland
Dennis Sullivan
Craig Derrick
David Neal Evans
Will Kempe
Young Sid
Joey Belladonna

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